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A painting of the Bear Mountain Bridge.

Red fire door operated by weights, hung on the door is a picture of appreciation from West Point Engineering.

This is a safe which is believed to have originally come from the Mid-Hudson Bridge was repainted by Maria Roth.

A banner from 1998 celebrating 65 years of service for the Bear Mountain Bridge.

Log Books kept from 1953 till present, notes taken each day about the bridge.

Outside view of log book from 1953.

A pin found on the Bear Mountain Bridge property.

A pin found on the Bear Mountain Bridge property.

A pin found on the Bear Mountain Bridge property.

A county atlas which shows plans for a rail road bridge in the same place the Bear Mountain Bridge stands today.

Bear Mountain Bridge hat, believed to have been sold at the Bear Mountain State Park.

Block and tackle. Larger one believed to have been used to hoist equipment.

Although not documented it is believed that Mr. Floom was at one time the bridge manager at Bear Mountain. The letter also mentions Richard Schemerhorn who was a New York State Senator and is believed to have been a commissioner. Lastly. Mr. Glynn was either the secretary or director of NYSBA.

This is an original navigation lamp from the Bear Mountain.

Roebling spool, Roebling provided the wire for the main cables and suspender cables for the Bear Mountain Bridge.

Screw pin from the original open spelter socket on suspender cable of the Bear Mountain Bridge.

Suspender rope socket from 1924.

A Maximum speed pass from 1922 which is believed to have been handed out at the toll booths.

A Maximum speed pass from 1922 which is believed to have been handed out at the toll booths.

Water level gauge used to measure the water levels near the Bear Mountain Bridge.

A detailed description of the truck regulations on the Bear Mountain Bridge.

This is a Sixty Seventh Congress of the United States Authorization plaque, signed by the President of the U.S. Warren J. Harding.

Framed by Bear Mountain Bridge employees, given by Palisades Park Trailside Museum.

Print of Bear Mountain Bridge.

Bear Mountain Bridge tiles made for NYSBA's 50th anniversary.

A piece of the 1924 Bear Mountain Bridge toll house.

Original rivets from the West tower leg of the Bear Mountain Bridge. Installed in 1923, removed in 1997.

Pulley wheel used in the construction of the Bear Mountain Bridge in 1924.

Rail top which covered empty hole when lights were taken off the rail.

Taken during lead removal stage. Photo taken by Richard Vacek from West shore railroad tunnel.

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